
Hydrogen Extraction and Storage

STIMAnalytics | Patent Landscape Report | Energy

This report provides a patent analysis of the advances in Hydrogen Extraction and Storage. We examined 50,000 patents from various companies up to 2023. The report is divided into four main sections as follows.

1- Technology Analysis

This section applies machine learning algorithms and artificial intelligence to analyze the text of patents and categorize them into different conceptual groups. It also displays the distribution and trend of patents by year and their content similarity. This section includes the following subsections:
• Topic Modeling
• Topic Modeling by Year
• Topic Trend
• Clustering

2- Patent Family

This section intends to examine the patenting process, the geographical distribution and the main applicants of the patents. It also shows the patenting strategies of the key companies in general. Furthermore, this section splits the patents into four levels based on their technical features. This section contains the following:
• Patent Family Growth
• Patent Family Growth by Jurisdiction
• Top Players
• Top Players by Jurisdiction
• Top Technologies
• Top Technologies by Jurisdiction

3- Technology Trend

This section showcases the top patents in this field in two periods: from 2000 onwards and in the last 5 years. It demonstrates the dominance of Chinese companies and IBM in this field. Moreover, it enumerates the key patents and their applicants as well as the emerging technologies in this field. This section comprises the following subsections:
• Top Players with Top Forward Citation
• Key Patents
• Key Patents in Recent 5 Years
• Emerging Technologies

4- Competitor Analysis

In this section, we contrast the five main competitors with each other. We assess them based on their ownership of key patents and top technologies. We also compare their patent portfolios and their growth in patenting and technological activities in the last 5 years. This section consists of the following subsections:
• Applicants of Key Patents
• Applicants of Top Technologies
• Portfolio
• Emerging Companies

This report consists of a 60-page written document and a 47-slide pdf presentation. Additionally, an excel file with all the possible tables and figures will be provided.
This report was produced by the AI-Powered service of STIMAnalytics and reviewed by technical experts who work with us.

1- Introduction
2- Technology at a Glance
3- Technology Summary
4- Family Analysis
• Growth of patent family
• Growth of patent family by Jurisdiction
• Top players
• Top players by jurisdiction
• Top technologies
• Top technologies by jurisdiction
5- Technology Trend
• Top Players with Top forward citation
• Key patents
• Key patents in recent 5 years
• Emerging Technologies
6- Competitor Analysis
• Owners of Key patents
• Owners of Top technologies
• Portfolio
• Emerging Companies
7- Technology Analysis
• Topic modeling
• Topic Modeling by year
• Topic trend
• Clustering

Data Collection

We selected the data of 50000 patents using a query that covers Big Data Analysis patents. The patenting strategy of various players was analyzed.

Data Analysis

We applied some sophisticated machine learning algorithms such as LDA and BERT for topic modeling and KMeans for clustering. We also performed other descriptive analytics to increase the reliability of the results.
In addition, the report was reviewed by technical experts who work with us.

Hydrogen Extraction & Storage

Silver Report

Single User

Including PDF, Slide and Excel Files

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